5.01 Safety and Security

Title: Safety and Security
Number: BP 5.01
Adopted: March 1995
Reviewed: September 2020
Revised: March 2012

The Nicolet Area Technical College District Board of Trustees (Board) is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment of the College community and authorizes all appropriate measures to carry out this commitment.  The Board does hereby direct the administration of the College to ensure oversight of the development, implementation, and review of the College’s safety and security functions.  The Board also gives administration the authority to exercise the necessary measures to maintain individual safety and the security of properties under the control of the College.

The Board authorizes College administration to organize and codify policies and procedures related to the safety and security of the College.  The safety and security policies and procedures need to assure the College is in compliance with all mandated measures in Federal law (i.e., Jeanne Cleary Act).  The safety and security policies and procedures will not supersede or override any ruling of any Federal, or State Agencies, nor shall such policies and procedures be applicable if contrary to law.

Emergency Response

The Board directs College administration to develop an Emergency Response Plan to assist in the College’s safety and security functioning.  College administration also appoints an Emergency Response Team (ERT) to assist in the College’s safety and security functioning.  The ERT has the following responsibilities:

  • In the event of a College emergency, available ERT members will assemble quickly to assess the situation and decide on appropriate action.
  • In a situation prohibiting team assembly, individual ERT members may take appropriate steps to ensure safety.
  • Any member of the ERT may call for evacuation of a building, send students and staff to emergency shelters, take other appropriate actions outlined in the College’s Emergency Response Plan, or initiate contact with law enforcement or emergency personnel.

Campus Safety and Security

The Board directs College administration to develop a Campus Safety Program in compliance with OSHA, NFPA, and Wisconsin requirements to assist in the College’s safety functioning.  College administration also appoints the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Safety to be charged with oversight of the College’s safety and security.  The Director of Risk, Compliance, and Safety reports directly to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), making recommendations to the ELT on all safety and security compliance issues.

The primary purpose of the Safety and Security Committee is the prevention of injury, illness, loss of life, and loss of property.  The Safety and Security Committee has the following responsibilities:

  • Monitor all pertinent state and federal safety and security standards and recommend compliance action when needed.
  • Recommend appropriate training for staff and students on various safety and security issues.
  • Ensure the College is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title 504 accessibility standards and requirements.
  • Ensure that identified risk-loss prevention issues are addressed.
  • Ensure that all security issues are also addressed.
  • Review and recommend changes and/or additions to all safety and security policies.
  • Review all information forwarded from the Emergency Response Team regarding the handling of incident responses.
  • Review the Emergency Response Plan and Campus Safety Program annually and recommend any changes and/or additions to the plan and program.
  • Develop a communication plan to disseminate information related to timely warnings of potential emergency safety and security issues.
  • Develop various methods to ensure the communication of the safety and security policies, and recommended emergency procedures to employees of the College.
  • Address ways to disseminate the appropriate content of the policies, and recommended emergency procedures to the students and the general public.


The Board directs College administration to appoint a CARE Team, which will be chaired by the Administrator responsible for oversight of the College’s safety and security.  The CARE Team has the following responsibilities:

  • Provide for the welfare, safety and security of all of students, faculty, and staff.
  • Provide an environment where individuals are free to work and learn unencumbered and uninhibited by threats of intimidation and harm.
  • Serve as a group that receives reports of all concerning behaviors from students and/or staff, and determine whether there may be an issue to monitor and/or address.

The safety and security policies, procedures, programs, and plans shall be continuously updated to reflect changes incorporated by the Board, State, and Federal legal rulings.