For Students

Apply for Nicolet College Foundation Scholarships February 1 - March 10.

Apply online for free money to help pay for college. Scholarships can be used for Fall 2025, and Spring/Summer 2026 Terms.

Nicolet College Foundation Scholarships

There is money available to help you pay for college – you just have to apply. Hundreds of scholarships are made possible because of the generosity of the many friends and supporters of the Nicolet College Foundation. Foundation scholarships help lower the cost of a college education, allowing students to focus more on education.

  • Scholarship applications are accepted twice a year during the month of February for the following academic year and in September for the following spring and summer terms. Exact application dates may vary.
  • Current and future students are encouraged to apply.
  • Scholarships may be applied to tuition and books.
  • Scholarships generally range from $250 - $10,000.
  • The minimum cumulative GPA or other qualifying test score equivalent is 2.0.
  • All you have to do is complete one general application to apply for most foundation scholarships. After you submit your general application, you may see a list of additional scholarships, for which you may also apply by answering additional questions.

Scholarship Application Tips

  • Answer each question. Just like a test in class, you will lose points for each blank answer.
  • There are only a few questions that require a detailed response. Please don’t write extremely short answers of only a couple of sentences. Use this an opportunity to share your personal story and show the reviewers why you are a good investment. Scholarships are funded by local individuals and organizations that want to invest in your success and the future of our community.
  • Double check grammar and spelling. Type your essays in a Word document first. Have someone else read your application. Take advantage of getting help from Academic Success.
  • You will need a professional reference. Double check the spelling of their email address to ensure they receive the recommendation form. You will not be able to read their recommendation form, but you can monitor its status. Click on “References” and click on “Active.” This will show the status of your reference’s recommendation. Possible references include a past or current instructor, supervisor, coach, or other person who knows you well. Do not use a friend or family member. It is best to ask the person to be your reference prior to submitting their name. Only submit one reference, unless you wish to change your reference.
  • Don’t wait until the last day to apply. Students often encounter technical or personal issues that prevent them from submitting the application on time.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

Scholarship FAQs

Who can apply?

Any current or future Nicolet College student who is enrolled or will be enrolled in at least three credits per term. You must be admitted to Nicolet College before completing a scholarship application in order to receive College credentials to log into the scholarship application. For this reason, please do not wait until the last day to apply for admission.

Can I receive more than one scholarship?

Yes, it is not uncommon for students to receive more than one scholarship.

Do I need to notify Financial Aid about my award?

No, the Foundation will notify the Financial Aid office about all Foundation awards. Students in shared programs, who receive financial aid from another school, should notify their Financial Aid office about any Nicolet College Foundation scholarships.

What’s involved in applying for scholarships?

  • You must apply to Nicolet College before completing a scholarship application in order to receive College credentials to log into the scholarship application. For this reason, please do not wait until the last day to apply.
  • If you are a new student or a current student who has not yet completed three credits at Nicolet College, you will need to upload your transcript from high school or another college.
  • Provide detailed answers to questions about your background, interests, why you chose to attend Nicolet College and enroll in your academic program, career goals, and how a scholarship will help you.
  • Provide one reference.
  • Provide your past/current volunteer and work experience.

When will I receive my scholarship?

Scholarships will be applied directly to student accounts approximately three weeks after the start of classes for students who have successfully completed the post-acceptance process.

Do I have to complete a FAFSA?

No, the Foundation offers some scholarships that do not require students to demonstrate financial need, but you are encouraged to complete the FAFSA.

What is the deadline to apply?

Scholarships applications are accepted twice a year, typically in February and September. The dates may vary slightly.

Can I choose which scholarships to apply for?

By completing the general application, you will automatically be matched with a majority of our scholarship opportunities. When you submit your general application, there may be more scholarships that require additional information in order to be considered a qualified applicant. You will find these by clicking on “Opportunities” and then clicking on “Ours.” Click on the “Apply” button to the right of each scholarship in order to apply for those additional scholarships.

How do I get notified if I received a scholarship?

You will be notified via email about the scholarship awards you are being offered before the end of the term in which you applied. This email will also include directions on how to accept your scholarship.

How can I get help with my scholarship application?

The Academic Success program offers writing labs that can help you with your application. Call 715-365-4455 or email to schedule an appointment.

Haylee Glauner, Accounting Student

“Having donor support helps me work toward my schooling – it motivates me to work harder in my classes because I have a support system.”

Haylee Glauner, Accounting Student

Emergency Student Financial Assistance

We understand that this may be a stressful time with rapidly changing conditions. We would like to remind you that emergency resources are available to help you with unexpected financial hardship such as unemployment and can include assistance for gas cards, automotive repairs, utility bills, childcare, food, and medical expenses. Please complete the Emergency Financial Assistance Application and reach out to your success coach or advisor for more information. A printable version is also available in MyNicolet in the Document Center.

This application is for all the various forms of financial assistance for students at Nicolet College, which include:

  • Student Success, Student Support, and Emergency Assistance Program, which are100% provided by grants from the federal Carl D. Perkins Act and the Wisconsin Technical College System
  • Nicolet College Foundation through the generosity of its donors
  • Gift cards provided by Student Activity Fees

What else is important to know?

If you are requesting assistance with a bill, please submit a copy with your application.

Funding is not guaranteed. To access some funding sources, students must have a complete and current FAFSA on file with Nicolet.

Students should expect to hear back on Emergency Financial Assistance applications and their next steps within 72 hours. Timelines depend upon the request and if any additional documentation is required.

Nicolet students can ask the Welcome Center for a Northwoods Transit punch card. Visit for Northwoods Transit routes and on demand services.

Your help has given me hope during this crucial time of need. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for your support. One day I hope to help someone the way you have helped me.

- Nicolet Student, Recipient of Emergency Assistance

Juday Award

Thanks to E.T. “Tug” Juday and his family, the Nicolet College Foundation is able to offer year round financial assistance to Nicolet College students. Tug’s commitment to philanthropy and belief in Nicolet College, led to a partnership with the Foundation to establish this student assistance program. Unlike traditional scholarships, Juday Awards include a nomination. To be considered for a Juday Award, ask an instructor to nominate you, or start the process by clicking here to complete the application. When you submit your application, the foundation will contact you to arrange a meeting, as well as the instructor you listed as a nominator.

Nicolet Promise

You may be able to attend college tuition-free with the Nicolet Promise. As part of this program, Nicolet College promises to pay the balance of tuition and fees for eligible students after federal and state grants have been applied. The Nicolet College Foundation covers this cost for up to four fall/spring terms up to 15 credits per term. Books and supplies are not eligible for funding. By removing financial barriers with tuition free education, the Nicolet Promise helps bright, hardworking students – like you – achieve their goals.