Carpentry Apprentice

Carpentry Apprentice

Apprenticeship Training

Construct, install, or repair structures, fixtures, and building frameworks using carpentry hand and power tools. You'll learn to build wood framing for houses, roofs, stairs, decks and sheaths, and forms for concrete and frame buildings, walls, footings, columns and stairs. The trade also involves carpentry work to install cabinets, siding, drywall rails, building cabinets and counter tops and may include work on drywall, wood flooring, metal jambs and ceilings. Become skilled in interior and exterior finish work and read blueprints, measure accurately, and calculate dimensions.

Apprentices who complete this apprenticeship have the opportunity to transfer course credits towards the Technical Studies – Journey Worker degree.

  • Carpentry apprentice students nailing wood paneling

    Program Outline

    Term 1
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054100 Carpentry Apprenticeship 1

    Apprentices will be introduced to safe working practices which include the identification, use, and maintenance of commonly used hand tools, portable and stationary power tools, personal protective equipment, and ladders and scaffolding. Course topics also include basic applied math, communication skills, along with an introduction to construction drawings and print reading. Safe material handling will also be examined in this course.

    Term 2
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054200 Carpentry Apprenticeship 2

    Apprentices will continue to further examine construction drawings along with plan specifications. The use of transits and levels, along with an introduction to building layout will be discussed. Course topics will also include the various types of building materials, fasteners, and adhesives used in residential construction. Apprentices will learn trade practices involving residential floor systems, as well as code- related topics. Various floor framing components will be examined, along with floor system layout.

    Term 3
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054300 Carpentry Apprenticeship 3

    Apprentices will learn about wall construction techniques used in residential construction. Various wall construction methods and components will be examined during this course. The course will also discuss and explore roof systems and framing requirements involved. Various roof styles, along with trusses, rafters, ceiling joist, intersecting valleys, eaves and rakes, and other cornice details will be examined. Application of print reading skills will be utilized, along with code-related topics.

    Term 4
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054400 Carpentry Apprenticeship 4

    Apprentices will explore the various thermal and moisture protection materials and industry installation techniques. Insulation materials and residential waterproofing products will be identified and include discussion and best practices for job site installation. The course will also include examining and understanding building science in residential construction. The physics of air movement and interaction of people, residences, and the environment will be discussed, along with framing and air sealing details.

    Term 5
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054500 Carpentry Apprenticeship 5

    Apprentices will explore exterior finishing systems in this course. Exterior finishing systems will include roofing, soffit and fascia, window and door installation, masonry, and exterior siding as well as other various exterior cladding systems used in residential construction. Exterior finish building materials will be examined, along with code-related topics.

    Term 6
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054600 Carpentry Apprenticeship 6

    Apprentices will examine stair design, layout, and building. This course will provide an opportunity to identify stair components and the relationship of occupant safety based on codes and standards. Exterior deck construction will also be discussed, along with the various building materials used and industry installation techniques. Application of print reading skills will be utilized, along with code-related topics.

    Term 7
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054700 Carpentry Apprenticeship 7

    Apprentices will examine interior finish systems. This course will cover drywall installation and finish techniques, interior door installation, window and door trim, crown molding, baseboard, and paneling installation. Acoustical ceiling basics will be explored, along with various interior flooring materials. Cabinetry and countertop installation will also be discussed.

    Term 8
    Course # Course Title Credits
    5041054800 Carpentry Apprenticeship 8

    This course is intended as a final review and comprehensive assessment of the apprentices experience over the past instructional courses. This course will include a review of construction blueprint reading, applied math and communication skills, building codes, and any other topics covered throughout the program. A discussion of current or emerging industry trends will be included, as well as emerging industry equipment and technologies. Apprentices will also have the opportunity to participate in a capstone hands-on project or industry-related activities with other classmates.


    At A Glance

    How You'll Learn

    icon of building

    On Campus

    icon of location marker

    On Location Training

    Program Tuition*


    *Total cost for degree completion is estimated by current course requirements, books, and supplies. Tuition and fees are set by the Wisconsin Technical College System and subject to change.

    You may experience these additional costs, not charged by Nicolet, estimated based on length of program.

    Personal Expenses

    What You'll Learn

    • Demonstrate the use of hand tools, power tools, and construction equipment safely and efficiently.
    • Identify industry building materials, fasteners, and adhesives.
    • Interpret technical information from blueprints.
    • Identify industry building practices, material application, and building codes.
    • Explain the fundamentals of building sciences including basic: physics of structures, properties and performance of building materials, construction processes, and building systems.

    Your Potential Careers

    • Construction Worker
    • Cabinet Maker
    • Floor Coverer
    • Interior Systems
    • Millwright
    • Pile Driver

    Median Annual Salary

    $38,083 $47,101 $43,887
    Local State National

    EMSI 2022.1

    Become An Apprentice

    Learn what steps to take to become an apprentice.


    • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age
    • High school diploma or equivalent
    • Meet required norms on aptitude test (if required)
    • Physically able to perform trade
    • Valid driver's license or reliable transportation
    • To enroll in this program, you must be employed and registered with the Wisconsin Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards.


    • 4 year training program
    • 5,840 hours on-the-job training
    • 540 hours paid related instruction
    • 90 hours unpaid related instruction
    • Apprentice must, during their first two years, complete Red Cross First Aid and CPR Training courses.
    • Apprentice must in his/her final year complete the Transition-To-Trainer course
    Apprenticeship students working outside with instructor

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    Male student looking at laptop in class

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