1.07 General Public Standards of Conduct

Title: General Public Standards of Conduct
Number: AP 1.07
Adopted: August 2012
Reviewed: February 2020
Revised: July 2017

Nicolet College believes in creating and maintaining a learning environment that values academic excellence, institutional integrity, justice, equity, civility, and diversity.  Individuals must conduct themselves in a manner that is compatible with the mission, vision, and values of the College and does not interfere with educational processes or endanger the safety or welfare of other persons. 

All individuals are expected to comply with all College policies and procedures, local, state, federal, and tribal laws.  These standards of conduct apply to all College-controlled locations and College-sponsored activities or events.  Anyone violating the General Public Standards of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.  Violation of local ordinances, state or federal law on College premises, or at College-sponsored or supervised activities will be forwarded to local law enforcement authorities.  Sanctions may be imposed for violations of these rules whether or not criminal or civil sanctions are pursued.

For safety and security reasons, the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security or designee may also temporarily remove individuals from College-controlled locations or activities until a final resolution is reached.

Behavioral misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. All forms of dishonesty, furnishing false information to the College, and alteration or use of College documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
  2. Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other authorized College operations or activities.
  3. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual assault, or sexual harassment.
  4. Taking or threatening to take action that endangers the safety, physical or mental health, or life of any person, or creates a reasonable fear of such action, whether intentionally or as a result of reckless conduct or gross negligence.
  5. Theft or damage to property.
  6. Failure to comply with directions of College officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  7. Unauthorized entry into or use of College-owned or -controlled locations.
  8. Violation of any College policy.
  9. Violation of any local, state, federal, or tribal laws, regulations, or policies while in attendance at College-sponsored or supervised events or committing off-campus violations that adversely affect the College and/or the pursuit of its objectives.
  10. Failure to inform College authorities of behavioral misconduct when observed.

To report behavioral misconduct, use the following steps:

  1. In an emergency, contact 911.
  2. Using the Maxient system, notify the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security or the Emergency Response Team that behavioral misconduct has occurred. 

Investigation Process

The Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security or designee investigates the misconduct and initiates the appropriate disciplinary process or dismisses it.

Sanctions for behavioral misconduct may include:

The Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security may:

  • Provide an oral reprimand;
  • Provide a written reprimand;
  • Remove individuals from College-controlled locations or activities;
  • Permanently ban individuals from College-controlled locations or activities.

Appeal Process

The general public has the right to appeal sanctions by the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security in writing to the President or designee, who will review the appeal and make a final decision.

Record Keeping

Using Maxient, the Director of Risk, Compliance, and Security will record behavioral misconduct investigations with the Care team.