Every college student knows textbooks can get expensive – and fast.

But that’s not an issue any more for students in Nicolet College’s Criminal Justice program. Starting in January, students can complete the entire two-year program with exactly zero textbook costs.

Nineteen-year-old Brielle Tauer

student working with instructor

We know there are many barriers to earning your GED/HSED. But now, thanks to new educational services available through Nicolet College’s Academic Success program, you can prepare for the GED/HSED from home or virtually anywhere.

Here's how it works:

1. Discuss your options and goals with someone

graduate sillouettes

International travel can open your eyes to new ways of living and allow you to think outside of your "normal." Ocie Kilgus, Nicolet Spanish Instructor, shares how even a seemingly small difference between Guatemalan yards and our own bring new considerations, thought, and respect for beauty:

One of

Courtyard with fountain in guatemala

First off, congratulations on taking this first, important step to change your future!  

College is exciting, and challenging and can be overwhelming. But it is manageable. Whether you’re right out of high school or starting college after years of being in the workforce, these tips can work for