2.13 Economic Development

Title: Economic Development
Number: BP 2.13
Adopted: March 2012
Reviewed: September 2015

The Nicolet Area Technical College District Board of Trustees (Board) supports and promotes the economic and workforce development mission of the Wisconsin Technical College System.

Business and Industry Partnerships.  The Board directs College administration to build successful partnerships with business, industry, and labor to exchange technical expertise, leverage resources, and ensure a rapid response to employers’ education and training needs.

Program Advisory Committees.  The Board recognizes the importance of business, industry, and labor participation on program advisory committees, which play a major role in program development, approval, continuous improvement, and evaluation processes.

Outreach Activities.  The Board directs College administration to engage in outreach activities to provide information to business, industry, and labor about education, training and technical assistance opportunities available through the College and the WTCS. Assistance in the development of commercial products shall be undertaken only in exceptional circumstances.  Such assistance should not include the use of the College’s facilities and equipment for the ongoing production of the commercial product.

Integrated Programming and Interagency Coordination.  The Board directs College administration to work with employers, education partners, labor, the Department of Workforce Development, and other local and state agencies to provide integrated education and training programs that meet the needs of the College’s district citizens and employers.

Training and Education for Employment.  The Board directs College administration to work with local and regional workforce and economic development entities in the delivery of workforce training and education for employment.  Job training and related activities undertaken by the College shall maximize opportunities for individuals to participate in both the regional and state labor force as productive citizens.