8.01 Publications, Promotional Materials, and Publicity

Title: Publications, Promotional Materials, and Publicity
Number: AP 8.01
Adopted: March 1995
Reviewed: June 2020
Revised: June 2020

Nicolet College strives to effectively communicate with all of our audiences. This may include distribution of releases and images to media, postings on websites or social media, advertising, and publications (such as posters, brochures, newsletters, postcards, reports), or other promotional materials for internal-external audiences. The Nicolet College Communications team or a Nicolet College appointee is responsible for reviewing and coordinating all materials.

Employees must seek permission from their supervisor to speak to the media, outside groups, and other organizations on behalf of the College. The supervisor will secure appropriate approvals. If and when an employee makes such presentations, the employee may not claim that they are representing the College unless authorized to do so.

Publications and Promotional Materials

Members of the College community must work with the Communications team in developing any publications or promotional materials for Nicolet College. Final drafts of documents must be approved in writing by the appropriate administrator and the Communications team prior to printing or distribution. The approval process will promote:

  • Consistent use of the College visual identity
  • Consistent use of key messages and content
  • Consistent style and use of terminology
  • Equal opportunity and diversity
  • Best use of College resources

When requesting production of publications or other promotional materials, staff must use a Request for Promotion form.

Final drafts of documents must be approved in writing by the appropriate administrator prior to printing or distribution.

Media Coverage

The Communications team maintains ongoing contacts with area and state news media. When staff members have news to publicize, they must use the Request for Publicity form. The Communications team will draft releases, submit to the appropriate administrator for approval, and distribute approved copy to the media.

Statements Made Using Electronic Media

Employees should remember that any electronic messages or information sent on College electronic accounts, applications, or resources are identifiable and attributable to the College.

The College recognizes that participation in some forums might be important to the performance of an employee's job. Because there is a connection with the College, all messages and information shared in these forums should promote College interests. Communications must not reveal confidential information and must not otherwise violate this or other College policies.