Protecting your business or organization form computer hackers is a never ending job.

To help keep vital computer systems and networks safe and secure, Nicolet College is sponsoring a two-day Cyber Hero Academy Feb. 27 and 28 led by a national expert who will offer a multitude of strategies and

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Since online technology is constantly evolving, the extent, nature, and risks of a cyberattack are impossible to predict. Therefore, it is important that you always take precautions when connecting to the internet, whether you are at home, at work or in a public place, such as a school or library.

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It’s that time of year again when online shopping is on the rise. Although it’s convenient, quick, and easy to order your holiday gifts from your favorite Internet shops, it’s important to protect your banking or credit card information when making purchases. Common threats when shopping online

Young woman online shopping

Cyberbullying is the repeated use of information technology to deliberately harass, threaten, or intimidate others. Cyberbullying can take many forms, and a single incident may fit into several categories. The following are the most common types of cyberbullying:

Harassing someone by

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The first step to securing your information is to password-protect your different accounts.

Follow these tips when selecting a password:

  • Set a different password for every account
  • Make each password difficult to guess and unique to you
  • Choose at least eight characters combining uppercase and
setting a good password

Most households now run on wireless networks of devices linked to the Internet. This means that every device is connected to a wireless access point controlled by an Internal router. Devices that may connect to a router include:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Televisions
  • Gaming
Man on cell phone at home

Identity theft is when someone steals your personal information and uses it to commit fraud under your name. This serious crime can wreak havoc on your finances, credit history, and reputation. Follow these tips if you believe that you are the victim of identity theft:

Change all of your passwords

Illustration of identity theft

So you think you're the victim of a cybercrime.. now what?

You should report the situation as soon as you find out about it. We encourage Wisconsin citizens to report cyber incidents to the Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center (WSIC) by emailing or by calling 888-324

reporting a cybercrime

Today’s mobile devices are just as powerful as any personal computer, so it’s important that you take the same online safety precautions with your smartphone and tablet as you do with your computer. If you’re using wireless technology outside of your home, you should know about the security threats

Student in a crowd holding cell phone

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are a great way to stay connected with others, but you should be wary about how much personal information you post. Threats commonly found on social networking sites include the following:

Spam and Online Scams
Every email scam has its equivalent

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