LIR Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin

Category: Private Events
Lakeside Center - Nicolet Theatre
Categories: Event
Event Locator: 2024-AAJNPF

With this event, we honor the life and work of June Lego, R.N. in our community. In her role as ER nurse, she educated, helped families, and procured donated eyes for corneal transplantation and research. Many of us never realized how dedicated she was to this cause. We will learn about the Lion’s Eye Bank of Wisconsin, and how local Lions, funeral directors, nurses, physicians, and technologists contribute to this project … and about how we could become donors ourselves! In the words of Stacey Troha, CEO of the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, “we do one thing: cure low vision and corneal blindness. We do this by supporting the end-of-life wishes of corneal donors, overseeing the process of cornea procurement, transforming donated corneal tissue into the gift of sight, and helping ensure that all who need it have access to curative corneal tissue transplants. We believe in the transformative power of sight, and we are committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by vision loss here in Wisconsin and around the world.” Join Anne Otter, outreach ambassador from the LEBW, and a panel of Rhinelander residents now involved in this cause, including Mike Hook from the Rhinelander Lion’s Club, and Bruce Carlson, Carlson’s Funeral Home.